Monday, July 19, 2010

Glenn Beck Going it Karma, or Proof That He Is a Prophet??

During a talk in Salt Lake City, Fox News pundit Glenn Beck revealed that he has macular dystrophy, and was recently told he could go blind within the next year. While I might strongly dislike Glenn Beck, (I would say hate, but he does provide me with so much entertainment), I am loathe to mock him -too- much for his grim news. After all, future blindness is something I worry about, considering I am technically already legally blind in my right eye (inset monocle jokes here). However Beck is a public figure, and his ridiculous critiques of other people does leave him open to some ridicule of his own.

So, in the words of my friend who texted me about this tragic news; "Glenn Beck's going blind. Not sure if this means God's striking him down or he's some sort of prophet."

I do not believe in fate, or an invisible puppeteer pulling strings. I do hope that Glenn Beck, who already thinks that he does God's work, does not take such a message to heart and start styling himself after the blind prophet Tiresias from ancient Greek literature...

Then again, anyone who writes this cannot possible imagine themselves as comparable to a literary device. Come to think of it, do you think Antigone, the Odyssey, and other literary works in which the blind prophet of Thebes makes an appearance even make it on Beck's reading list?

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