Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Mandatory Introductory Post

Hey there folks!

As many of you know, I just finished up a semester in Amsterdam. During that time I kept a blog detailing my experiences...which I enjoyed keeping far more than I thought I would. As such, I decided to start up a more permanent blog. I've come a long way from having to force myself to write my blog for my Campaigns and Elections class over a year and a half ago.

Pass the Peanuts will be a space for me to offer my analysis and opinions on politics, pop culture, and anything else I deem interesting. (I will say that for some reason words starting with the letter P kept popping to mind tonight - I'll blame it on the late hour, my apologies if you dislike alliteration). I cannot promise any frequency of updates, but I will do my best - if I don't make promises, you won't be disappointed if I break them!

Stay tuned for the first substantive update!

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