Saturday, July 17, 2010

Porn for Bibliophiles

I hate Kindle. I loathe the Nook. I wish e-readers had never been invented. Why? Because I am a bibliophile, and need to hold what I am reading in my hands. Books have a smell, they have a certain heft and weight when you carry them in your purse, (all of mine must be big enough to fit a small paperback), and they just have so much character about them. I understand the practicality of an e-reader...but I worry that there will be a day when I will no longer be able to walk out of my local bookstore with a giant armload of books, that I have painstakingly selected after browsing the shelves for at least an hour.

In that spirit, I present to you Bookshelf Porn - a collection of photos of really awesome bookshelves stuffed with good old fashioned books. Some of the pictures are from libraries and bookstores, others are sure interesting interior decorating pieces. All the same, I've been salivating over some of these pictures - having a library with floor-to-ceiling shelves and those rolling ladders is a long standing dream of mine since I was very, very young.

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