Friday, July 30, 2010

Sons of Anarchy Teaser Trailer

I watch way too much television.

One of my guilty pleasures is the FX show Sons of Anarchy. Part of it is that I've always had a slight fascination with motorcycles, (and I find the lead actor Charlie Hunnan (Jax) rather fun to look at). More than that though, is the presence of strong female characters. Sure, the bikers in Sons of Anarchy objectify women in very crass ways at times, but the regular female characters of Gemma (Jax's mother) and Tara (Jax's girlfriend) great examples of complicated, strong women that feel like real people, and not simply eye candy for the screen.

The fact that the show as a whole is loosely based on Hamlet, my all time favorite Shakespeare tragedy, doesn't hurt either. Check out the teaser trailer for the third season! It looks like it will be great!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

11:59 Is Almost Here!

Are you tired of me babbling about Ryan Star yet?

His major label debut album drops on August 3rd, but if you are curious to listen in, you can check out this site, which has the whole album streaming for free. If you've been listening to Ryan in the past, there aren't a heck of a lot of new songs - Start A Fire is really the only one that I had not heard before, but there are some interesting rearrangements of a few classics, especially Losing Your Memory.

Go listen! I'll be sure to update everyone on the album release concert!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Transgendered Model Poses Nude for French Vogue

So here is a heartwarming story for those of us who acknowledge the problems with the gender binary.

Think this is just your standard gender bending high fashion ad? Think again. The woman standing second from the left is Lea T., the former assistant to Givenchy designer Riccardo Tisci. She is a also a transgendered woman. Tisci made waves recently casting Lea T. for the shoot, as she does not neatly fit into a gendered box. Tisci did not see anything strange with his casting decision, as he argues that including Lea T. "exemplifies the masculine-feminine dichotomy that has become one of [his] design signatures...[Lea T.'s] always been very feminine: superfragile, very aristocratic."

This may have been a small victory for those that recognize that beauty does not necessarily fit a specific gendered model, but the story gets better yet. French Vogue (admittedly much more daring that its American counter part), has done a feature on Lea T., which includes a nude portrait, with only a hand covering her genitals. If you want to see the photo you should check it out here- be warned, it is obviously not safe for work. Congratulations to French Vogue for highlighting an example of beauty that functions outside of the gender binary; now if only American fashion magazines could follow suit instead of spending all their time telling women how to lose weight and please their men in bed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rachel Maddow is the BOSS

So this has been posted all over the blogosphere already, but it is just so exorbitantly awesome that I just HAD to repost it here. Rachel Maddow, one of the smartest political commentators on cable, wipes the floor with Bill O'Reilly and his insinuations that she is irrelevant due to her show getting lower ratings than his

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Lego House

This is basically a childhood dream come true - an entire house built of Lego. I wasn't the most girly of girls as a kid - yes, I did have Barbies and American Girl dolls, but Legos were what I-really- played with. I can actually still remember the first time I realized that you could build houses with multiple stories out of Lego; I was six years old, and a babysitter helped me build a second level for the home of the queen of my Lego table kingdom. That second story traveled with me INTACT all the way to England a few months later and remained part of my Lego kingdom for years, as I never had the heart to destroy the proof of that all important discovery.

Anyhow, here is my perfect dream home if I was still six years old.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Glenn Beck Going it Karma, or Proof That He Is a Prophet??

During a talk in Salt Lake City, Fox News pundit Glenn Beck revealed that he has macular dystrophy, and was recently told he could go blind within the next year. While I might strongly dislike Glenn Beck, (I would say hate, but he does provide me with so much entertainment), I am loathe to mock him -too- much for his grim news. After all, future blindness is something I worry about, considering I am technically already legally blind in my right eye (inset monocle jokes here). However Beck is a public figure, and his ridiculous critiques of other people does leave him open to some ridicule of his own.

So, in the words of my friend who texted me about this tragic news; "Glenn Beck's going blind. Not sure if this means God's striking him down or he's some sort of prophet."

I do not believe in fate, or an invisible puppeteer pulling strings. I do hope that Glenn Beck, who already thinks that he does God's work, does not take such a message to heart and start styling himself after the blind prophet Tiresias from ancient Greek literature...

Then again, anyone who writes this cannot possible imagine themselves as comparable to a literary device. Come to think of it, do you think Antigone, the Odyssey, and other literary works in which the blind prophet of Thebes makes an appearance even make it on Beck's reading list?

Sara Bareilles - King of Anything

So this is a pretty mainstream singer, but this video and song are my obsession of the day. In a way, it sort of sums up my feelings about my life in general as of late. I will say I think Sara looks cuter at the start of the video - to me, ultra femme attire with garish lipstick looks strange, almost as if a little girl was playing dress up in mommy's closet. I do appreciate the concept of the video though, and think that style of it is pretty awesome.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Newest Secret Military Weapon... Sharktopus!

...I don't think I really need to say anything more on that subject.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Porn for Bibliophiles

I hate Kindle. I loathe the Nook. I wish e-readers had never been invented. Why? Because I am a bibliophile, and need to hold what I am reading in my hands. Books have a smell, they have a certain heft and weight when you carry them in your purse, (all of mine must be big enough to fit a small paperback), and they just have so much character about them. I understand the practicality of an e-reader...but I worry that there will be a day when I will no longer be able to walk out of my local bookstore with a giant armload of books, that I have painstakingly selected after browsing the shelves for at least an hour.

In that spirit, I present to you Bookshelf Porn - a collection of photos of really awesome bookshelves stuffed with good old fashioned books. Some of the pictures are from libraries and bookstores, others are sure interesting interior decorating pieces. All the same, I've been salivating over some of these pictures - having a library with floor-to-ceiling shelves and those rolling ladders is a long standing dream of mine since I was very, very young.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

I am such a sucker for a good ballad. Especially when that ballad is in my vocal range, so I can sing along when no one else is around. Christina Perri has been propelled out of nowhere within the last couple weeks, after her song "Jar of Hearts" was used on So You Think You Can Dance, thanks to a friend giving her demo of the song to choreographer Stacey Tookey. Her song is now on itunes and has already sold over 100,000 copies - and that can't be all SYTYCD fans.

Enjoy my new obsession for the day

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mr. Walken, Are You Bluffin' With Your Muffin?

This is a bit of an old clip, taken from the show Friday Night with Jonathan Ross on the British channel BBC One...possibly one of the most entertaining "covers" of Lady Gaga's Poker Face that I have seen yet.

The Disappointment of So You Think You Can Dance

After watching six seasons of So You Think You Can Dance (I missed the first one), I think it is time that I came to terms with the fact that the show is, at its core, sexist, a rigid enforcer of gender binaries, and sometimes just out and out creepy (thanks executive producer Nigel Lythgoe a.k.a Creepy Uncle Nigel, I think I'll dedicate an entire post to you at a later date).

Part of the problem is that I want so badly for the show to live up to my expectations. That isn't to say that the show does not have moments of beauty and magic, from time to time it does. Some of that comes from the dancers, some of that comes from the choreographers, sometimes its a combination of things. More often that not however, I am finding myself wanting to throw something at the tv in disgust at something a judge said, horribly sexist choreography, or even just the horrific costumes. Are those occasional moments of beauty worth sitting through the rest of the show? Possibly, but I am getting closer and closer to getting fed up and saying no.

Let's break down some of the recurring themes that drive me so crazy

1) The "sexy seductress" storyline

There is some variation on this story, but generally speaking at least one (if not more) routines a performance night will be based around the idea of this bombshell sexual woman somehow seducing her clueless/ignorant/dorky partner. Sometimes, this is ok, and there have been routines that I thought were fun that did follow this theme...but it gets old. It also puts a strain on the female contestants to -be- that crazy sexual, beautiful woman, a strain not placed on the male contestants. But speaking of the men...

2) Men Must Dance Like Men

This has been a common theme over the various seasons, as a critique thrown at men on the show who either dance too "femininely" (whatever that means), or without enough maturity. I can understand comments about maturity, though that tends to be an issue when you compare 18 year olds with twenty-somethings, but the comments on dancing "femininely" drive me crazy. There are times when a male partner must have strength, and act the macho man (ie, the paso doble, which I hate), however this is not always necessary. Why can't the male dancers display more delicacy, if that is the expression of their dancing and their bodies' capabilities? The reverse of this is also thrown at women who get into trouble for being "too strong," but that happens less frequently and not as vehemently as with men.

3) Women Must Wear Revealing Costumes, Especially for Ballroom.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. It is also a requirement that Creepy Uncle Nigel comment on how sexy a woman looks as part of his critique on her dancing. For ballroom I can quiet down the inner feminist (I feel like she needs a name, any suggestions?), but when female dancers are made to wear sparky bras during hip hops routines while their partner is normal street clothing, I get more than a little cranky. (See the picture posted a few days ago).

4) America Loves Your Butt

Whether it's a dance entirely focused on a woman's behind (thanks Mia Michaels, season 5), girls shaking/popping their rump as a significant part of a hip hop routine (all seasons, especially when Shane Sparks choreographs), a male contestant being forced to show off his backside, and his father doing the same, SYTYCD has an obsession with their contestants' backsides. I'm never a fan of diminishing people to a body part, and this is a reoccuring theme for both male and female contestants.

5) Add a Little Violence to your Samba

"even the spank was with the music" ~ Creepy Uncle Nigel

Violence against women is a tricky subject for SYTYCD. On one hand, it can be used tastefully, and for the purpose of telling a bigger story. Mia Michael's Addiction dance from season five is indicative of that - yes, it implied abuse, but it treated the subject with dignity and proper solemnity. Yet for every respectful treatment of the subject, there is a hip hop dance that shows a woman getting strangled (season five), or spanked (multiple seasons, most recently last week with Kent and Comfort), or any other variation. Even the respectful treatment sometimes borders on being uncomfortable for me, in that it is a theme that comes up too often - what is is about abuse that makes it such a great story? And lets be clear, its pretty much all male against female - the only reversal of this I can think of would possibly be the alien dance between Jason and Caitlin...but that also falls into the "seductress" category mentioned earlier.

6) Where Are the Female Hip-Hop Dancers?

The last time a female hip hop dancer made the show was Comfort in season four. Now in season seven, it doesn't seem too much to ask that there would be another female popper or bgirl? I cannot imagine that there are none that audition that are capable of making the show. I'm always nostalgic for Sara from season 3...surely she can't be the only bgirl out there that is capable of doing other things? It's not like the standards are that high - bboy Jose from the current season is certainly not very good at anything outside of his style.

I always watch SYTYCD looking for artistry and beauty...and fairly often just feel nauseous, or upset. There is a new web series, LXD (The League of Extraordinary Dancers0, that may fill the void left by SYTYCD. Dance is an artform that can fufill many roles...why does it have to uphold patriarchy?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just Because It's My Birthday...

...I feel entirely justified in posting another Ryan Star video to this blog. This is "Last Train Home," from off the P.S., I Love You soundtrack. Enjoy!

Betty White Says Boo

I actually have never seen the show Hot in Cleveland, nor am I really all that interested (most sitcoms bore me), but this blooper from a live taping (they use a studio audience) is AWESOME.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sexy Nail Polish?

Naming nail polish can be a difficult task - how many ways can you come up with to say light pink? Nail polish company O.P.I is pretty good with coming up with some crazy, yet appropriate names, but fashion diary BleachBlack has taken it to a new level. Back in April, they released a new silvery cream shade. What did they call this color? Jizz. Yep. Now you can wear a nail color that reminds you of your latest illicit tryst. (The first color they released was also pretty amusing - a dark metallic green labeled Dickweed).

But just giving their nail polish a sensational label is not all that BleachBlack did. Last week the fashion diary released a video advertising their new polish. What is the problem? Well, the video borders on soft porn, with a basically nude woman rolling around on a bed. I'm not really sure what about this advertisement really works for the company (besides the fact that I'm talking about it of course). I would have thought the video was for a lingerie brand, or even an escort service. Also, with a label of Jizz? As far as I'm concerned, that should be a mostly nude man rolling around. But I suppose that -really- wouldn't sell polish to anyone but Adam Lambert, so what do I know.

You can check out the video
here. Be warned, it is definitely not safe for work (hence why I'm not just embedding the video directly).

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Soft Porn Plane Commercial

Release earlier this week, this advertisement from Russian airline Avianova shows a group of men living out what college humor would have us believe is every man's wet dream - getting to watch a handful of hot women wash something (an airplane) clad only in skimpy bikinis:

In case you needed help deciphering why this advertisement is problematic, here's my top five reasons why this commercial is horrific:

1) Flight attendants don't wash planes - that job goes to someone else, and presumably is not done by hand with a bucket and sponge. That is simply not time or cost effective.

2) Not all flight attendants are models. Or female.

3) Flight attendants give you drinks, peanuts, and scold you for not wearing your seatbelt. They do not perform sexual services, or perform in a sexual manner (except maybe the girls on Hooters Airlines, I assume their job is based on somewhat sexuality just as much at 10,000 feet as it is on the ground).

4) This commercial is not actually selling the services of the airline, but the objectification of the female body under the male gaze (quite literally, considering the creepy COMPLETELY CLOTHED men watching. Got to love power dynamics).

5) The advertisement deprives the flight attendants' of their personal power, and undermines any of their desire to be considered professionals in their business, not simply objects of lust. In fact, thanks to the camera work, these women are pretty much just reduced to their body parts.

edit: Hooters airlines is not actually in existence anymore, having ceased public operation in 2006.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fashion from the Kitchen

Admittedly I think she pulls it off, but does anyone else think that Cat Deeley (left) looks like she's wearing sparkley saran wrap?